Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Councillor Brad Nayanookeesic skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Councillor Brad Nayanookeesic

Councillor Brad Nayanookeesic 



Brad Nayanookeesic was born and raised in Auden, ON. He travels up to spend time with family, hunting, fishing and berry picking. Though he would not call himself an outdoors man, he is passionate about the preservation of our lands waters and resources for a better future for our community.

Brad has 3 children that have come to him over the years either through fostering or relationships to become his own. He and his spouse Mandy enjoy spending time on Lake Nipigon Reserve fishing and relaxing.

As a former business Owner Brad is extremely interested in finding and developing new economic opportunities for the First Nation to become self-sufficient.

Brad was previously a Staff Member of Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek, working as a Consultation Coordinator and a Land Use Researcher. He is using the skills and expertise he developed to champion the mining and other economic development partnerships for us.

Brad has also ran many small businesses over the years that have helped him understand the processes of running and managing them.


Brad holds the following Portfolios:

  • Community Development
  • Economic Development
  • Finance
  • Youth


Brad has also been sitting as part of the Negotiations for the Land Claim and the Annuities cases, and plays a very active role in all mining. Consultation, Community Development and Housing projects.