Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Land Management skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Land Management

What is a Land Code? 

The Land Code will be the basic law to Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek and will replace the 44 land managment provisions of the Indian Act. The Land Code will be drafted by AZA, and will make provisions for the following matters;

  • Identifying the Reserve Lands to by managed by AZA  (called 'First Nation Land') 
  • Set out the general rules and procedures for the use and occupation of these lands by AZA members and others 
  • Provide financial accountability for revenues from the lands (except oil and gas revenues, which continue underr the Indian Oil and Gas Act.) 
  • Provide the procedures fro making and publishing AZA land laws
  • Provide conflict of interest rules 
  • Provides a community process to develope rules and procedures applicable to land on the breakdown of a marriage 
  • Identifies a dispute resolution process 
  • Sets out procedures by which AZA can grant interests in lands or aquire lands for community purposes 
  • Allows the delegation of certain land management responsibilities 
  • Sets out the procedure for amending the Land Code 
  • Deals with any other matter respecting the governance of First Nation reserve land and resources


It is essential for Band Members to make informed decisions regardaing the Land Code process! 


Follow all the links to review and read the Key Documents! 

Notice of Vote







Individual agreement summary 

