Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Medical Transport Director skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Medical Transport Director

Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek's Medical Transport Department


The Medical Transport Department assists in processing Non-Insured Health Service claims for our community members. This process involves submitting medical appointment travel, mileage, meal & accommodation requests to First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) and making travel arrangements for clients with travel agencies, hotels, airlines and bus lines. The Medical Services Clerk will process all of the paperwork for the member (applicant) once they submit all of the required information.


Application Process

Please contact us as soon as you are aware of your appointments. The FNIHB Thunder Bay Zone Office needs at least a 1 to 2 week notice to process applications. They also require that we get written confirmation of these appointments, so when you receive an appointment card or letter from the doctor’s office, please send it in by mail, fax, or email to:
Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek
Attention: Priscilla Graham, Medical Services Clerk
PO Box 120 , 204 Main St.
Beardmore, ON
P0T 1G0
Phone (807) 875 -2785 EXT 23
Fax (807)875-2161

Contact Numbers:


Thunder Bay Zone
Phone 1-877-779-7749
Fax 1-866-551-5650

Sioux Lookout Zone
Phone 1-807-737-5801
Fax 1-807-737-3879

When you do contact the Medical Transport Department to notify us of your appointment please have the following information:
  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your complete address and telephone
  • Your 10 digit status registration number
  • The date and time of your appointment
  • The doctor’s name and their specialty
  • The name off the referring doctor
  • The way you plan to travel (bus, private vehicle)
  • Escort’s Full Name (you must have written instructions from the doctor stating that you need an escort unless you are minor under 18 yrs of age.)
  • Any instructions you may have for your appointment (i.e., no meals, testing preparation)
Northern Travel Grant Program
Community members are to be aware that you cannot claim mileage through the non-insured health program if you use a Northern Travel Grant. And a Northern Travel Grant cannot be used when travel arrangements have been arranged and paid for through the non-insured health program.
The above information will be put on the application and faxed to the FNIHB Thunder Bay Zone to obtain a Prior Approval Number.

Once the Prior Approval Number is given, we can proceed to make the necessary travel arrangements.


Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek works with Health Canada / FNIHB to provide this service, but all applications are approved or denied by Health Canada / First Nation and Inuit Health.

We will strive to assist you in all of your Medical Services Needs.