Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek - Economic Development skip to content

Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek


members as of


Economic Development

The goal of the Economic Development Department is to work towards the creation of a sustainable economy for the Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek.




Economic Development Officer

Job Description Summary:

The Economic Development Officer assists Band Council in the development of Band owned and operated enterprises, proposal development for short and long-term community development projects, assists with training and employment programs aimed at improving the human resources within the community as well as advises Band Members in establishing small businesses.


Economic Development Program Summary:

The department is working on many community and economic development projects and partnerships such as:

  • Greenstone Gold Mines - Hardrock and Brookbank Sites
  • Greenstone Power Plant Development
  • Greenstone Commercial Plaza Development
  • Greesntone Industrial Park 
  • Greenstone Transmission Line (project cancelled as it was not considered feasible - Greenstone Power Plant has replaced it)
  • Water Power Generation (AXOR and and the Namewaminikan River  Project)
  • Infrastructure Development on Reserve - Electricity (Completed), Water (Feasibility Study is being completed) and Roads
  • Highway Commercial Development on Reserve (requires the above infrastructure - and will benefit from the upcoming Land Code)
  • Skills Database - project to gather resumes and skills information from all members (education, training programs, certificates, etc.) - In progress
  • Education Upgrading (Grade 12) and Training Opportunities - always ongoing
  • Mineral Exploration opportunities in the Beardmore - Geraldton Area
  • Landmark Hotel
  • "Nation Rebuilding from the Ground up" partnership with Lac Des Milles Lac First Nation and Sandpoint First Nation to develop new approaches to funding infrastructure and buildings on newly established Reserve landbases


Other activities:





Useful Links

Anishinabek Employment and Training Services - help with employment counselling and funding for training.


Indigenous entrepreneur guide to starting a business


Government of Canada: Business and Industry - excellent resource for information on starting a business!


Thunder Bay Entrepreneur Centre - they have guides, programs and services to support starting a small busines.


Greenstone Economic Development Corporation - help with small business planning and loans in Geraldton.


Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program - program to support funding for small business.


Thunder Bay Ventures -  help with small business and loans.


The PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise - programs and services to women across Northern Ontario who are ready to start or grow business opportunities.